
Cristina Alonso Alija

ESG & Sustainability Expert | Independent Leverkusen, Germany
Cristina Alonso Alija


Chemical Engineer and Ph.D in Chemistry, Cristina looks back at a career of over 25 yrs leadership at Bayer in the areas of R&D, Regulatory Affairs in Pharmaceuticals and Crop Protection and HSE. She was SVP Sustainability and HSE and the first ever Human Rights Officer of Bayer. She led the definition, execution and reporting of Sustainability & ESG for Bayer, engraining it in the business strategy. Today she is a Top100 Woman in the German Bus


Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Impact of Plastics on Packaging Waste Management

Montserrat Castillo Malivern
Montserrat Castillo Malivern IQS Packaging Academic Coordinator Moderador/Presentador
Salvador Borrós Gómez
Salvador Borrós Gómez IQS Director General Speaker
Victoria Ferrer Maymó
Victoria Ferrer Maymó Gremi de Recuperació de Residus Director Speaker
Cristina Alonso Alija
Cristina Alonso Alija Independent ESG & Sustainability Expert Speaker
Sandra Palacín Gómez
Sandra Palacín Gómez Mahou San Miguel Técnico especialista I+D Envases y Procesos de Embalaje Speaker

#Ecodesign, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability

09-05-2024 16:30 09-05-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Impact of Plastics on Packaging Waste Management

EU regulations on packaging and waste address environmental issues and the harmonisation of the internal market. Despite apparent success, the amount of waste is still on the rise (188.7 kg/inhab in 2021). This is underscored by the challenges of plastics recycling. Spain, the third leading country in plastics recycling, is still tackling this issue, with 36% of its plastic waste ending up in landfills. This raises waste management concerns and suggests the need for more effective policies and the promotion of alternatives such as reuse and recycling. These topics will be addressed by the round-table discussion “Impact of Plastics on Packaging Waste Management”.

Hispack Unboxing
Thu 9 16:30h - 17:30h Hispack Unboxing