
Irati Herrero Imaz

Deputy Director | Feeling Innovation by Stanpa Madrid, Spain
Irati Herrero Imaz


With 15+ years in managerial consulting, I specialize in European affairs and funding strategies, notably in the perfume industry. As Deputy Director at Feeling Innovation by Stanpa, I lead innovation efforts and oversee training at the Perfume Academy Foundation.


Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Reutilisation and the circular economy in the cosmetics industry: Ecosmartpack 4.0 project, reusable, traceable and connected container.

Andrés López
Andrés López Babaria Director Técnico Speaker
Irati Herrero Imaz
Irati Herrero Imaz Feeling Innovation by Stanpa Deputy Director Speaker
Rosa González
Rosa González Aimplas Non-food Packaging Group Leader Speaker

#Connectivitat, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Traceability

08-05-2024 12:00 08-05-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid Reutilisation and the circular economy in the cosmetics industry: Ecosmartpack 4.0 project, reusable, traceable and connected container.

The Ecosmartpack 4.0 project forms part of the field of smart, sustainable and innovative packaging for the cosmetics industry. The project provides for the development of solutions for the transition from the traditional single-use container concept towards a smart, reusable container that also allows for traceability during its many life cycles. The initiative, geared towards Industrial Research, on the one hand envisages the design and execution of the digital platform required for the container's traceability throughout its different useful life cycles and, on the other, the securing of a functional smart packaging prototype, with a traceability identifier in a simulated environment and validation.

Hispack Unboxing
Wed 8 12:00h - 12:30h Hispack Unboxing