
Iván Borrego

Managing Director | Beauty Cluster
Iván Borrego


An MSc. in Chemical Engineering with one master’s degree in General Management (ESADE) and another in Business Communication Management (UB). Managing director of the Beauty Cluster since it was founded in 2014 (an association with 240 Spanish companies in the beauty sector). Co-founder of the Beauty Business School, the first business school in the beauty sector. Co-founder of Next in Beauty, a digital medium specialising in cosmetics and perfu


Side Event | Side events

Packaging innovation and trends in the cosmetics, perfume and personal care industries.

Iván Borrego
Iván Borrego Beauty Cluster Managing Director Speaker
Àlex Brossa Enrique
Àlex Brossa Enrique Packaging Cluster Cluster Manager Speaker

09-05-2024 10:00 09-05-2024 10:10 Europe/Madrid Packaging innovation and trends in the cosmetics, perfume and personal care industries. CC1. ROOM 1
Thu 9 10:00h - 10:10h CC1. ROOM 1